The Yellow Wallpaper
About Wallpaper - Why wallpaper?
A brief history
I have enormous passion for wallpaper, it is no secret.
Wallpaper, used as early as 200 B.C, has been a medium typically reserved to the background. It has moved through all social classes, from palaces to homes.
Due to its extensive history, it has fallen in and out of popularity - most notably in the Victorian era when toxic pigments like arsenic were used, causing hysteria and death, and in the early 1900s when it became dirty, insect and mould ridden. Many influential people have commented on wallpaper, a key examples being Oscar Wilde on his deathbed in which he declared
Wallpaper was also a contributing factor in the death of Napoleon due to its cancerous pigements.
Because of wallpapers ability to trancend the domestic environment it helps us understand the prevalent attitudes and values of it's and our day, to help us better understand our culture from domestic to political, high art and low art.
Wallpaper, used as early as 200 B.C, has been a medium typically reserved to the background. It has moved through all social classes, from palaces to homes.
Due to its extensive history, it has fallen in and out of popularity - most notably in the Victorian era when toxic pigments like arsenic were used, causing hysteria and death, and in the early 1900s when it became dirty, insect and mould ridden. Many influential people have commented on wallpaper, a key examples being Oscar Wilde on his deathbed in which he declared
Wallpaper was also a contributing factor in the death of Napoleon due to its cancerous pigements.
Because of wallpapers ability to trancend the domestic environment it helps us understand the prevalent attitudes and values of it's and our day, to help us better understand our culture from domestic to political, high art and low art.

About The Yellow Wallpaper Project
Inspired by the story of the same name and one of the first feminist text to come from America, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, my yellow wallpaper questions the impact of in-considered environments on mental and physical health. The toxic plants, insects and mould makes us question our immediate surroundings, are they not all that they seem?
The video is a hyper-visualisation of hallucination caused by prolonged exposure to the wallpaper and declining health.
It features a three colour lino print of toxic flowers; foxgloves and belladonna, as well as omens of death in the form of cicadas, cockroaches lilies, yew and skulls made from bathroom mould.
The video is a hyper-visualisation of hallucination caused by prolonged exposure to the wallpaper and declining health.
It features a three colour lino print of toxic flowers; foxgloves and belladonna, as well as omens of death in the form of cicadas, cockroaches lilies, yew and skulls made from bathroom mould.
Film Installation
Film Link: of the Yellow Wallpaper - Teaser Trailer

Watch Here: Installation

Installation in-situ

Creepy Crawlies - Cicadas and Cockroaches

First Print

The Final Combined Wallpaper

Bathroom Mould Wallpaper - When I was living in my London flat I suffered from black bathroom mould that my landlord refused to tackle. In oder to change my relationship with the black mould and question how we view toxicity and nature in my home, I made it into wallpaper which is beautiful (but undesirable).

Wallpaper made from Dulwich Woods leaves and moss